In the bakery, we get our dough to rise fast using a proof box. You can do the same thing at home.
Here’s how:

Step One: Add Dough
Place the frozen rolls in the sprayed baking dish, pan or muffin tins and place them on the top rack of your oven.
Step Two: Add Water
Next, fill a glass 9″ x 13″ cake pan about halfway full of water and place on the second rack of your oven underneath the frozen rolls.
Step Three: Add Heat
Lastly, turn your oven on to bake at 200 degrees F. The oven will then heat the water in the pan creating steam inside of your oven. This is your at-home proof box. The rolls will then slowly begin to rise.
A Warning + A Tip:
Warning: Don’t open the oven door! Doing so will let out the steam, which is creating the magic making your rolls rise. So our tip is to leave the inside oven light on so you can continually take a peek at your rolls and remove the water when your rolls are done proofing. You can then bake the rolls according to the directions.
Proofing times will vary. It will depend upon the type or roll and also how frozen it is to begin with. If you have more time and don’t want to use the oven, you can simply leave your frozen rolls out overnight in a greased baking dish for them to rise.

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